
317 responses to “Contact”

  1. i have been receiving message but i have feid to read them using my computer. please help me call me on +256772682426

  2. please tulungan nyo po ako gusto ko po makapagpatuloy ng pag aaral kaso mahirap po kasi kami,gusto po sana ng mga magulang ko na makapag aral ako ngayong pasokan pero hindi po talaga kaya nila.kaya sana po matulongan nyo ako.

  3. asc i’m abdullahi yusuf one of the students in somalia i think it’s good how you help the needers of knowladge thanks alot asc

  4. I do not feel up to twice the harm to my humanity I have been working for a long time in a global humanitarian organization and I asked myself, since 8 I working and oldest humanitarian organization , why not find the same humanitarian support and I’m from the same area where the human being get support
    So ask your support

  5. it will be my pleasure if you can approve my application and help me live the kind of life i wish for me and my children

  6. A friend told me about this organisation. I thank the team that works hard to make the dreams of people like us come true. I thank You

  7. Iam a poor student,my nationality is nigeria, I finished my first degree at khartoum int inst of arabic language,sudan.in arabic Educ.I need your Assistance for Master Scholarship with you.I hope my request will be given consideration and regard

  8. I totally confident that you will give me chance to further discussion over the desire and proposal.

    Warm Regards,

  9. Poor as I am, I would appreciate to get financial assistance from Motsepe Foundation to further my studies, and see my life changing

  10. a great success in your works comes with a great responsibilities as well as its better to get a good education and not better education

  11. i want to request your scholership becouse i suprt to learn educatoin but i cant able to paid universy so i hope you answer qeucly so you can contect this adiress….. phone 00252634455877 email [email protected] facebook farxaan dayib thanks

  12. Iam live in somalia this time Iam live IN puntland state garowe
    Iam level university student Iam sdady community develomen i have finish semiter one new year Iam start semister two good luck my information thanks turkish shcooliship

    assalamu allekum all muslim

    name :ahmed said abshir
    national: soomali
    city : puntland garowe
    tell: +252907214923
    gender ::male
    age :1994
    pobox ;252

  13. To
    Subject: Request for Financial Assistance for Treatment& sir/madam please help me.you help me and God your help me .
    I am very poor person. I am suffering from a severe lung disease and have been operated on two times in Liquat National Hospital Karachi. I have spent about fifteen Lac on my operations and medicine while taking huge loan. But I have not recovered as yet and the treatment is still continuing. I live in a rented house. I have a six member family and I am the sole supporter of it. I am a non- government(NGO) employee and work as Literacy Coordinator in NCHD (National Commission for Human Development). My monthly salary is about seventeen thousand.
    It is extremely difficult for me to support my family and pay back the loan already taken and continue my treatment at the same time. You are therefore requested to kindly please assist me financially so that I may be able to continue my treatment.
    Looking forward to your favourableand kind consideration.

    Sikandar Ali Shah Bukhari
    S/O Syed Ahmed Ali Shah
    CELL NO .(+92) 03337544899 NIC. NO. 43203-2754524-1
    MY ACCT: NO.01- 01-101-3913-7

  14. Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google PageRank or Alexa Rankings, You now NEED On-Page SEO. So what is good On-Page SEO?First your keyword must appear in the title.Then it must appear in the URL.You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of 3-5% in your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article.Your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword.There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword….wait there’s even more Now what if i told you there was a simple WordPress plugin that does all the On-Page SEO, and automatically for you? That’s right AUTOMATICALLY, just watch this 4minute video for more information at. Seo Plugin
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    kisembo steven


    PO box 30246


    email [email protected]

    +256 775264275

    +256 757885482

  16. I know that your help will make a great thing, n I will make you to never regret it, your scholarship had helped many people and I know you gonna do the same to me

  17. Hallo am kakeeto Francis from Uganda and i thank you for the good work your doing am currently requesting you to stand with me and push me back to studies help me connect me to some school or any body and study again please. my back ground isn’t easy its really along story i can express it to you if you need it in details but all i need is to continue studying. you can decide which field you can put me in i will try my level best to bring out good results as have been am sorry am so straight to the point but if you need more information i can drop it to you may be have not written it to my best but have written is basically the situation am in and its from my heart.help me connect me to a sponsor.

    Have done lots of things to survive and see that i get to school up today when i can not hold it any more am not after money to be honest with you all i need is to have access to better education and step in school again after studies i can help you with work without payment or volunteer until you feel OK with it. let me have a chance to be an important person in this world for others and my communicate have struggled a lot have been a good student all where have passed.have used internet because its my last resort.

    I can be any thing you want me study for teaching,business management,accounting,project planning,social science and any other. Am born in a very poor family with many children am the grown up i need a change at least am there hope please am currently done my secondary education and looking forward to join university but am failing out because my family can not manage .

    Thank God i managed to accept Christ as my survivor who comforts me through all .please i will be grateful if you put me into consideration. please if you know any school that has a school ship please help me out and connect me or a bursary or a sponsor.help me connect me to a sponsor to sponsor my education i promise if go through successfully there so many other students like me who need me in future i will help .save me.or any company that is willing to help.
    God richly bless you thank you am hoping much from you.
    change my future otherwise this is my contact 2560704188220 you can inform me if there is hope for me to join school again thank you so very much and for confirmation.

  18. iam reqesting the goverment of germny to give me a free education because i like education and i don not have a money so i would like to give me a scholarship i am somalias i live in muqdisho i am astudenta my grade is 12 secondary school my facebook is [email protected] ok good lucky


  20. Scholarship is good especially for those of non developing countries, because they donot have capacity to cover cost

  21. i am a final year student ,at university of maiduguri,borno state,am in my last semester 2014/2015 session

  22. We can partner with you and help us in these needs
    -buying food for children
    -bless them with fees
    -clothes and shoes for children
    -water tank for harvesting rainy water.

  23. Dear Sir/Madam

    I am Ramabodu Precina from Mamahabane Ventersburg and I am doing my second year in Civil Engineering at Central University of Technology. I am so dedicated, disciplined, determined, hardworking and so eager just learn, read and educate so to bring about change and help improve the standard of engineering in South Africa. And I can only achieve that through your assistance,I have got an average of 63% last year and I know that is not good enough but I have already started working on my mistakes since I have learned from them. I am humbly requesting a bursary because I have no financial assistance, no textbooks nor proper accommodation. I am struggling a lot and my family is suffering because of me, my mom is an unemployed single parent of five and receives social grant of four only and my dad since abandoned us after birth of fifth born. I am so helpless and feel so rejected but I have faith that I am going to achieve my dreams through your assistance. My number is 0783654737, I will be so glad to hear from you anytime soon. Thank you.

  24. i would like to highly appreciate you for what you are doing for everyone so as to eradicate poverty.May God bless you

  25. I hereby apply for College Scholarship at Roma College school of nursing,in Maseru,Lesotho.The amount is R35.000,Thirty-Five thousand per symester.

  26. plz give me scolarship i am student of b.s owner in english

  27. I have scored 1165 in 12th std 2015, i want scholarship for further studies. pls help me

    Tamil 189
    English 179
    Economic 200
    Commerce 198
    Accountancy 200
    maths 200

  28. Dear sir or madam .
    I’ am first year computer since student in Addis Ababa University The capital city of Ethiopia, how can you help me to get free scholarship?

  29. I am happy for the opportunity given to every one to seek for financial support that will enable us further our education which the key to success.

  30. I will like it to study my teaching under your financial cover because teaching is one of my favourate career,for my long term goal

  31. We thank you for giving us this opportunity to compete our studies without struggling too much. You are making the future of our youth more successful.

  32. Hi. My son attends school at Greenside High. He is one of the top ten students in his school. He is doing exceptionally well as a Academic student. I am looking for a scholarship for my son either to help with his school fees or for when he matriculates.

  33. good evening
    please i have gained admission to study msc public health and environmental science at the university of Birmingham , 2015-2016 academic year. but unfortunately i might not be able to go if i don’t gain an immediate scholarship. am a Ghanaian with my background not well able enough to pay all the 17965 British sterling. i gained admission two years ago and i have been deferring this program until now, which is my last chance. throughout all these years i have been applying for scholarship sponsors but all to no avail. i will be very glad if you and your office could assist me in getting one. am to report in school by September this year.

  34. we will kindly appreciate if you would consider our application of that bursary as it is our duty to see that all those that cames from less fortunate families/communities are assisted with finance and thus can persue academic records

  35. please i wish to follow up a program as a dress making student and i need your financial surport.

  36. please i wish to professionalise my career as a textile student and i need your financial surport

  37. I hereby applying for a scholarship because my family is unemployed,so I really need to go to school so that we could not suffer again

    • Am Dimpho Matobosane a girl who really need a schoolership to apply to because of unemployement in the family,I need to make a change in my future.

  38. Dear sir,
    Greetings in Jesus name. We are doing reach the unreached ministry in Sri Lanka. We work only among Buddhists, Hindus and muslin. Already we planted few churches in rural areas. We have four main churches and seven house churches. Still we have to plant churches in rural areas among non-Christians. Our ministry name is HBI Ministries Lanka. Our aim to reach the unreached people, help poor children education, help to widows and train rural pastors who unable to attend other Bible school.

    We have vision but unable to archive our visions. Because we don’t have enough funds. Our believers are poor tea plantation labors and village people. Therefore we can’t expect more offering from them. We want to plant new churches and church buildings. At present we carry out only church work and train ten rural pastors and help ten poor children’s education. We couldn’t plant new churches and other visions which is include in our vision. We have land but no fund to build churches. And also we started two construction one is a church and other rural pastors training center. These constructions are half way. Still couldn’t finish it.

    Please pray about our needs and ask the Lord. If God speak to you please do accounding God’s plan. I expect your favorable reply from you. May God bless you and your ministry. Thank you.

    Yours in Christ
    HBI Ministries Lanka

    My e-mail address: [email protected]

  39. Dear sir/madam,
    I hereby wish to seek for scholarship for my further studies, I am 25 years old in age, a Ugandan by nationality, married to a single woman with 2 children, born again under Adventistschurch and an orphan among nine childrenand that the father died when was still breast feeding, 6 of these siblings died again.
    The mother struggled to pay for my studies up to an advanced level of academic studies of educationand would not be able to pay for any diploma professional studies,she then made me to join certificate in laboratory studies, since it was rather cheap for her to pay, unfortunatelyI was not absorbed for work due to under qualified document.Many applicants that join to work with the Governmentwill havedone diploma in laboratory technicians making me not to succeed.
    Hereby now yearn to upgrade and do diploma in clinical medicines in order to make me meet a level that qualify to the government demand for easy absorption into the system.
    I have applied and was admitted,and the institute wants me to pay fees of 2,495,000UGX = 734US$ for start and each next semester 1,680,000 UGX = 495 US$for 6 Semester in studies of 3 years. The exchange rate is 1 US$=3400UGX
    The family resources cannot meet these institution fees payments, due to magnitudes of domestic problems without solutions, and the mother who supported so much last time in the payment of my academic studies and laboratory technician’s studies through farming, is now unable, she is discourage as per the death of other children and she is even already weak and old.
    I am unable to raise that fees and hereby therefore seek for scholarship from your organization to help me to attain this diploma in clinical medicine so that I may be developmental for my future.
    Detailed fees structure as per the admission letter and photocopies of all other documents can be sent if need be.
    You positive responds towards this request is highly appreciated in advance and here hopping to hearing from you soon as studies will commence this 29/08/2016 and there is no other hope.
    Thanks so much,
    Yours faithfully,
    Tel. +256703958264.

  40. Regarding the advertisement in the national newspaper on Friday, December 9, 2016 about Australian Scholarship awards really grasp my attention and I want to be part of it. Please can you guys help such people like myself others.

  41. I kindly request scholarship for my daughter who is studying medicine in China. I am a single parent.

    I am unable to raise fees and therefore seek for scholarship fro your organization to help my daughter attain her degree in medicine.

    Detailed fees structure and all other documents can be sent if you need to be.

    Your positive respond towards this request is highly appreciated in advance.

    The second year will commence this August 2017, and there is no other hope.

    Thanks so much.

    yours Faithfully

    Madam Rosemarina

  42. thank youvery much ,,iam in kampala, uganda … i completed form four in 2016 but failed to continue with my studies in HSC ,,, but now i wish to continue,,, am seeking for your help…i will be grateful for your support

  43. Sir plz guide me for admission in medical in china.Help me how to get scholarship for my study .plz contact me to the number:+923401511808

  44. I\’m really interested in this program because that is my dream to study abroad. If anything contact me on my email address /my phone number +231775102318

  45. Am very keened to study in U.S.A. Taking up Bachelor and Master in Education. Could you assist me with more information how to become a successor in one of the scholarships offered in U.S.A

  46. Good day po,ako nga po pala si Ms. Marjorie Edorece Cences isang Pioneering graduate sa K-12,kasalukuyan po akong napa tigil sa pag-aaral ko para sa 1st Degree ko sa kolehiyo ito\’y dahilan sa kakulangan ng financial support,hindi na kasi kaya ng papa ko ang pagpapaaral sa kolehiyo kaya kahit anung gawin ko at kahit ayaw kong huminto sa pag-aaral napahinto ako,lumaki po ako saking auntie,before po nun,namasukan po ako ng kasambahay sa murang edad upang may pangtostos saking pag-aaral sa primary, Grade 4 po ako nag umpisang tumira sa auntie ko bilamg isang working students hanggang sa grumadute na ako ng junior high lumipat ako sa mati at namasukan ako bilang isang labandera sa kakilala namin sa kagustuhan kong maipagpatuloy ang aking journey sa Senior High School,hanggang sa natapos ko ang Dalawang taon sa SH.At ngayon muli kong hinangad na makapg-aral sa Kolehiyo,ngunit kabos sa financial,kaya sinubukan kong mag apply sa Scholarship ni Mayor Inday Sarah Duterte dito sa Davao Citymagbabakasakaling palarin ako pero ang sabi good for taga Davao City lng po daw ang ma qualified,kaya sobrag nalungkot at nadismaya ako sa narinig,at ngayon muli kong humingi ng tulong sa inyo, sana po tulungan niyo po ako na maka avail ng scholarship para sa kolehiyo,gustong gusto ko po talaga makapag tapos saking pag-aaral,yan po yung wish ko nung Bagong taon,sana po isa po kayo dun na ibigay ng Poong maykapal,pagpalain po sana ang may magagandang puso at hangarin sa kapwa namin kapos kapalaran.


  48. I kindly request if I can be granted a scholarship because my parents can\’t afford my tution.I will be happy at your positive reply.
    Contact me on 0701779593

  49. I am very much interested and please do consider me as one of your candidate for a grant of my education.
    Here is my contact details
    Cellphone #67574423862

  50. Hello,

    Your website or a website that your organization hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by our company (zoho Inc.).

    Check out this doc with the hyperlinks to our images you used at http://www.educationalscholarship.net and our previous publication to obtain the evidence of our copyrights.

    Download it right now and check this out for yourself:


    I believe that you willfully violated our legal rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damage as high as $110,000 as set-forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.

    This message is official notification. I seek the removal of the infringing materials referenced above. Take note as a service provider, the DMCA demands you to eliminate and deactivate access to the copyrighted content upon receipt of this notice. If you do not stop the utilization of the previously mentioned copyrighted content a legal action will likely be initiated against you.

    I do have a good self-belief that utilization of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly violating is not permitted by the legal copyright owner, its agent, as well as laws.

    I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and hereby affirm that I am permitted to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly infringed.

    Best regards,
    Frank Roberts
    Legal Officer
    zoho, Inc.



  51. Sir my name is Muhammed musawar Jamil form sahiwal and I am very interested in the study but my family not offered please help me so my study continue please help me please

  52. Dear sir may you consider me among your candidates
    For sponsorship. Please help me, this is my number 0774131641 thank you. Am jennifer

  53. Hello,

    Your website or a website that your company hosts is violating the copyright-protected images owned by our company (slack Inc.).

    Check out this doc with the links to our images you used at http://www.educationalscholarship.net and our previous publications to obtain the proof of our copyrights.

    Download it now and check this out for yourself:


    I think that you deliberately violated our rights under 17 USC Section 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages as high as $120,000 as set forth in Sec. 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.

    This letter is official notice. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials mentioned above. Take note as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act demands you to remove and deactivate access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this particular letter. If you do not cease the use of the aforementioned infringing content a law suit will be commenced against you.

    I have a good belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as allegedly violating is not permitted by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as legislation.

    I swear, under consequence of perjury, that the information in this message is correct and hereby affirm that I am permitted to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is allegedly violated.

    Sincerely yours,
    Mark Colbert
    Legal Officer
    slack, Inc.



  54. I\’m a single mother of 4 kids. I kindly ask for Education sponsorship for my kids please and other basic needs. Thanks this is my phone number in the names of my Bro. +256 758990530. God bless you please and thanks ??

  55. I\’m a single mother of 4 kids I kindly request for Education sponsorship for my kids and capital to start a business. Thanks ?my phone number +256758990530 its in the names of Bro. Thanks

  56. Hi am here for a help from you my brother and sister I need to complete my studies but my dad died in a motorcycle accident and I remained with my mom so she ccan not afford my fees so I am asking for your help please.i will be happy when my message is considered.

  57. I need sponsorship too in nursing , please if there\’s an opportunity help me this is my number +256 709822376

  58. I wanted to go to korea with scholarships with my friend other landay until graduate school and be a actor but we don\’t have the money to pay for the flait I hope we will get a full scholarships to korea one day

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